built: 2023.07.08 09:31:13

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c ! 3 uIbtisam 45
1 6 3
flr EPWYAm After you fully execute a maneuver, if you are stressed, you may roll 1 attack die. On a d or c result, remove 1 stress token.
g ! 2 u"Zeb" Orrelios 33
{3 2 3 1
fer>e EUWmt Locked and Loaded While you defend, c results are neutralized before d results.
y # 4 uArliz Hadrassian 38
{2 1 6 2
flr= EXUPMAB While you perform a { attack, if you are damaged, you may change 1 of your f results to a c result. While you defend, if you are damaged, before the Modify Defense Dice step, you must change 1 of your f results to a blank result.
: / 6 uAnakin Skywalker 50
{2 1 5 3 3`
flr= FUPYABm Plated Hull After you fully execute a maneuver, if there is an enemy ship in your { at range 0-1 or in your }, you may spend 1 h to remove 1 stress token.
: / 5 u"Odd Ball" 39
{2 1 5 3
flr= EUPYABm Plated Hull After you fully execute a red maneuver or perform a red action, if there is an enemy ship in your }, you may acquire a lock on that ship.
: / 4 u"Matchstick" 41
{2 1 5 3
flr= EUPYABm Plated Hull While you perform a primary or p attack, you may reroll 1 attack die for each red token you have.
: / 3 u"Broadside" 36
{2 1 5 3
flr= EUPYABm Plated Hull While you perform a p attack, if your p indicator is in your £ or ¢, you may change 1 blank result to a f result.
: / 3 Shadow Squadron Veteran 31
{2 1 5 3
flr= EUPYABm Plated Hull Shadow Squadron has served since the early days of the Clone Wars, winning victories at Kadavo and against the flagship of Grievous, Malevolence.
: / 2 u"Goji" 29
{2 1 5 3
flr= UPYABm Plated Hull While a friendly ship at range 0-3 defends, it may roll 1 additional defense die for each friendly bomb at range 0-1 of it.
: / 2 uR2-D2 31
{2 1 5 3
alr= EUPWYBm Plated Hull At the start of the Engagement Phase, if there is an enemy ship in your |, gain 1 calculate token.
: / 2 Red Squadron Bomber 30
{2 1 5 3
flr= UPYABm Plated Hull At the battle of Geonosis, Red Squadron provided vital cover to the LAAT gunships deployed to secure the surface.
\ / 4 uBarriss Offee 36
{2 3 3 1 1`
felrb FAnm Fine-tuned Controls While a friendly ship at range 0-2 performs an attack, if the defender is in its }, you may spend 1 h to change 1 f result to a d result or 1 d result to a c result.
\ / 4 uLuminara Unduli 40
{2 3 3 1 2`
felrb FAnm Fine-tuned Controls While a friendly ship at range 0-2 defends, if it is not in the attacker's }, you may spend 1 h. If you do, change 1 c result to a d result or 1 d result to a f result.
X # 1 uAutopilot Drone 12
{2 2 2 2 3
aro Rigged Energy Cells Sometimes, manufacturer's warnings are made to be broken.
e ! 4 uGavin Darklighter 55
{3 3 3 3
felr>lb>l EXSPAm Experimental Scanners While a friendly ship performs an attack, if the defender is in your {, the attacker may change 1 d result to a c result.
= . 4 uDBS-404 31
{2 2 5 0
alr>l= PMBmn Networked Calculations You can perform primary attacks at range 0. While you perform an attack at attack range 0-1, you must roll 1 additional die. After the attack hits, suffer 1 c damage.
s # 0 uG4R-G0R V/M 28
{2 3 3 1
aelr m Weapon Hardpoint After you defend, each other ship at range 0 suffers 1 c damage.
% ! 2 u"Zeb" Orrelios 33
2 4 1
fo EWAmt Comms Shuttle While you defend, c results are neutralized before d results.
v # 4 uPrince Xizor 51
{3 3 4 1
flr>fb>f EXPmt Microthrusters While you defend, after the Neutralize Results step, another friendly ship at range 0-1 and in the attack arc may suffer 1 d or c damage. If it does, cancel 1 matching result.
x ! 5 uThane Kyrell 46
{3 2 4 2
flr EPAmn While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 f, d, or c result to look at the defender's facedown damage cards, choose 1, and expose it.
x ! 3 uBiggs Darklighter 47
{3 2 4 2
flr PAmn While another friendly ship at range 0-1 defends, before the Neutralize Results step, if you are in the attack arc, you may suffer 1 d or c damage to cancel 1 matching result.
R @ 4 uFifth Brother 44
{2 3 2 2 2`
felr>fb>f FSM While you perform an attack, after the Neutralize Results step, if the attack hit, you may spend 2 h to add 1 c result.
A @ 6 uDarth Vader 66
{2 3 3 2 3`
f>rlr FSMm Advanced Targeting Computer After you perform an action, you may spend 1 h to perform an action.
A @ 5 uMaarek Stele 44
{2 3 3 2
f>rlr ESMm Advanced Targeting Computer While you perform an attack, if the defender would be dealt a faceup damage card, instead draw 3 damage cards, choose 1, and discard the rest.
A @ 4 uVed Foslo 43
{2 3 3 2
f>rlr ESMm Advanced Targeting Computer While you execute a maneuver, you may execute a maneuver of the same bearing and difficulty of a speed 1 higher or lower instead.
A @ 3 uZertik Strom 40
{2 3 3 2
f>rlr SMm Advanced Targeting Computer During the End Phase, you may spend a lock you have on an enemy ship to expose 1 of that ship's damage cards.
A @ 3 Storm Squadron Ace 39
{2 3 3 2
f>rlr ESMm Advanced Targeting Computer The TIE Advanced x1 was produced in limited quantities, but Sienar engineers incorporated many of its best qualities into their next TIE model: the TIE Interceptor.
A @ 2 Tempest Squadron Pilot 36
{2 3 3 2
f>rlr SMm Advanced Targeting Computer The TIE Advanced improved on the popular TIE/ln design by adding shielding, better weapons systems, curved solar panels, and a hyperdrive.
O + 4 u"Static" 31
{2 3 3 1
felr EXm While you perform a primary attack, you may spend your lock on the defender and a focus token to change all of your results to c results.
O + 2 uTN-3465 28
{2 3 3 1
felr Xm While another friendly ship performs an attack, if you are at range 0-1 of the defender, you may suffer 1 c damage to change 1 of the attacker's results to a c result.
F @ 4 uSeyn Marana 27
{2 3 3 0
fer Em While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 c result. If you do, deal 1 facedown damage card to the defender, then cancel your remaining results.
F ! 2 u"Zeb" Orrelios 22
{2 3 3 0
fer m While you defend, c results are neutralized before d results.
S + 4 uCaptain Phasma 34
2 3 3
f>Re>Rl>Rr>R ESXMYm Heavy Weapon Turret While you defend, after the Neutralize Results step, another friendly ship at range 0-1 must suffer 1 d/c damage to cancel 1 matching result.
d @ 5 uRear Admiral Chiraneau 75
q3 0 12 4
fliRo EPWWWYBmt While you perform an attack, if you are reinforced and the defender is in the ~ or ¡ matching your reinforce token, you may change 1 of your f results to a c result.
_ . 3 uDFS-081 23
{2 2 3 0
alr>a Mmn Networked Calculations While a friendly ship at range 0-1 defends, it may spend 1 calculate token to change all c results to d results.
t # 4 uBossk 60
~3 1 9 3
fil ECMWWYImt While you perform a primary attack, after the Neutralize Results step, you may spend 1 c result to add 2 d results.
z # 4 uBossk 27
{2 2 2 2
flr EMIm Pursuit Craft While you perform a primary attack, after the Neutralize Results step, you may spend 1 c result to add 2 d results.


A # 4 uR5-P8 While you perform an attack against a defender in your {, you may spend 1 g to reroll 1 attack die. If the rerolled result is a c result, suffer 1 c damage.
A / 3 uR7-A7 While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 g to change 1 d result to a c result.
C 4 Autoblasters Attack: If the defender is in your }, roll 1 additional die. During the Neutralize Results step, if you are not in the defender's {, e results do not cancel c results.
C 4 Heavy Laser Cannon Attack: After the Modify Attack Dice step, change all c results to d results.
C 6 Ion Cannon Attack: If this attack hits, spend 1 d or c result to cause the defender to suffer 1 d damage. All remaining d/c results inflict ion tokens instead of damage.
C 0 Jamming Beam Attack: If this attack hits, all d/c results inflict jam tokens instead of damage.
C 4 Tractor Beam Attack: If this attack hits, all d/c results inflict tractor tokens instead of damage.
G 5 Adaptive Shields While another friendly ship at range 0-1 defends, if it is a smaller size than you, you may spend 1 * or 2 ( to cancel 1 d or c result.
V @ 4 uAgent of the Empire You are a wing leader. Your wingmates must be 2, 3, 4, or 5 TIE/ln fighters. While you defend, up to 2 of your wingmates in the attack arc may suffer 1 d or c damage to cancel a matching result.
Vt ! 4 uB6 Blade Wing Prototype Add Y slot. Attack (l): Gain 1 ion token to perform this attack. If this attack hits, the defender suffers 1 additional d/c damage for each matching uncanceled result after the first.
V + 4 uFirst Order Elite You are a wing leader. Your wingmates must be 2 or 3 TIE/fo fighters or TIE/sf fighters. While you defend, up to 2 of your wingmates in the attack arc may suffer 1 d or c damage to cancel a matching result.
V / 4 Jedi Commander Setup: Equip this side faceup. You are a wing leader. Your wingmates must be 2-5 V-19 Torrents or 2-5 Nimbus-class V-wings. Ater you are placed, flip this card.
Jedi Commander While your wingmates execute purple maneuvers, they treat those maneuvers as red instead. While you defend, up to 2 of your wingmates in the attack arc may each suffer 1 d/c damage to cancel 1 matching result.
V ! 4 uPhoenix Squadron Setup: Equip ths side faceup. You are a wing leader. Your wingmates must be one of the following: 0-1 Attack Shuttle 0-1 Sheathipede-class Shuttle 0-5 RZ-1 A-wings After you are placed, flip this card.
uPhoenix Squadron At the start of the Planning Phase, 1 of your wingmates that is docked with you may join your wing without gaining a stress token. While you or your Attack Shuttle wingmate or Sheathipede-class wingmate defends, up to 2 of your RZ-1 A-wing wingmates in the attack arc may each suffer 1 d/c damage to cancel 1 matching result.
V @ 4 uShadow Wing Setup: Equip this side faceup. You are a wing leader. Your wingmates must be 2-5 other ships of your type. After you are placed, flip this card.
uShadow Wing Your wingmates can perform r or b actions. If they do, they voluntarily split from the wing. While you defend, up to 2 of your wingmates in the attack arc may each suffer 1 d/c damage to cancel 1 matching result.
V @ 3 uuSkystrike Academy Class Setup: Equip this side faceup. You are a wing leader. Your wingmates must be 2-5 TIE/ln Fighters with initiative lower than yours. After you are placed, flip this card.
uuSkystrike Academy Class After you barrel roll or boost, each of your wingmates is forced to split from the wing. While you defend, up to 5 of your wingmates in the attack arc may each suffer 1 d/c to cancel 1 matching result.
V 2 Veteran Wing Leader You are a wing leader. Your wingmates must be 2, 3, 4, or 5 other ships of your ship type. While you defend, up to 2 of your wingmates in the attack arc may suffer 1 d or c damage to cancel a matching result.
n 0 Alpha-3E "Esk" While you perform a primary attack, before rolling attack dice, you may spend 2 g. If you do, your c results inflict ion tokens instead of damage.
W + 7 uAgent Terex Setup: Equip this side faceup and place 3 calculate tokens on this card. At the start of the Engagement Phase, you may choose a friendly ship at range 0-3 and remove 1 calculate token from this card to have that ship gain a matching token. Then, if there are no calculate tokens on this card, flip it.
uAgent Terex (Cyborg) During the System Phase, roll 1 attack die. On a d or c result, gain 1 calculate token. Otherwise gain 1 jam token. Action: Transfer 1 calculate token or 1 jam token to a ship at range 0-3.
W - 4 uChewbacca Setup: Lose 1 g. After a friendly ship at range 0-3 is dealt 1 damage card, recover 1 g. While you perform an attack, you may spend 2 g to change 1 f result to a c result.
W 3 Freelance Slicer While you defend, before attack dice are rolled, you may spend a lock you have on the attacker to roll 1 attack die. If you do, the attacker gains 1 jam token. Then, on a d or c result, gain 1 jam token.
W . 3 uGeneral Grievous While you defend, after the Neutralize Results step, if there are 2 or more d/c results, you may spend 1 g to cancel 1 d or c result. After a friendly ship is destroyed, recover 1 g.
W ! 9 uSaw Gerrera While you perform an attack, you may suffer 1 d damage to change all of your f results to c results.
F 6 Malice While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 h to change 1 f or d result to an c result. If you do, after you perform that attack, if the defender was dealt 1 or more faceup Pilot or Crew damage cards, recover 2 h.
F 1 Predictive Shot After you declare an attack, if the defender is in your }, you may spend 1 h. If you do, during the Roll Defense Dice step, the defender cannot roll more defense dice than the number of your d/c results.
Y # 2 uBT-1 While you perform an attack, you may change 1 d result to a c result for each stress token the defender has.
Y / 4 uClone Commander Cody After you perform an attack that missed, if 1 or more d/c results were neutralized, the defender gains 1 strain token.
Y # 6 uDengar After you defend, if the attacker is in your firing arc, you may spend 1 g. If you do, roll 1 attack die unless the attacker chooses to remove 1 green token. On a d or c result, the attacker suffers 1 d damage.
Y @ 12 uFifth Brother While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 h to change 1 of your f results to a c result.
Y # 1 uGreedo While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 g to change 1 d result to a c result. While you defend, if your g is active, the attacker may change 1 d result to a c result.
H 5 Ion Cannon Battery Setup: Equip this side faceup. Bonus Attack: Spend 1 (. If this attack hits, the defender suffers 1 c damage, and all d/c results inflict ion tokens instead of damage.
Ion Cannon Battery (Offline) Offline After you engage, you may spend 2 ( to flip this card.
HG 4 Drill Beak Setup: Equip this side faceup. You can perform this attack at range 0. Bonus Attack: Spend 1 (. If the attack range is 0, change all d results to c results.
Drill Beak (Offline) Offline Action: Spend 1 ( to repair this card.
HG 10 Proton Cannon Battery Setup: Equip this side faceup. Bonus Attack: Change 1 d result to a c result. Bonus Attack: Spend 1 (. Change 1 d result to a c result.
Proton Cannon Battery (Offline) Offline Action: Spend 1 ( to repair this card.
I 1 Coaxium Hyperfuel You can perform the s action even while stressed. If you do, you suffer 1 c damage unless you expose 1 of your damage cards. After you partially execute a maneuver, you may expose 1 of your damage cards or suffer 1 c damage to perform a s action.
MM 5 uDiamond-Boron Missiles Attack ( l): Spend 1 g. After this attack hits, you may spend 1 g. If you do, each ship at range 0-1 of the defender with agility equal to or less than the defender's rolls 1 attack die and suffers 1 d/c damage for each matching result.
M . 5 Energy-Shell Charges Attack ( a): Spend 1 g. While you perform this attack, you may spend 1 calculate token to change 1 f result to a c result. Action: Reload this card.
M 2 Ion Missiles Attack ( l): Spend 1 g. If this attack hits, spend 1 d or c result to cause the defender to suffer 1 d damage. All remaining d/c results inflict ion tokens instead of damage.
M 5 Mag-Pulse Warheads Attack ( l): Spend 1 g. If this attack hits, the defender suffers 1 c damage and gains 1 deplete and 1 jam token. Then cancel all d/c results.
E 1 Deadeye Shot While you perform a primary attack, if the defender is in your }, you may spend 1 d result or change 1 c result to a d result. If you do, the defender exposes 1 of its damage cards.
E 2 Ion Limiter Override After you fully execute a red maneuver, you may perform a r action, even while stressed. If you do, roll an attack die; on a d result gain 1 strain token, and on a c result, gain 1 ion token.
E 1 Marksmanship While you perform an attack, if the defender is in your }, you may change 1 d result to a c result.
E + 2 Proud Tradition Setup: Equip this side faceup. While you have 2 or fewer stress tokens, you may perform f actions even while stressed. After you perform an attack, if you are stressed, the defender may spend 1 focus token or suffer 1 c damage to flip this card.
False Tradition Treat your f actions as red.
E ! 2 Selfless While another friendly ship at range 0-1 defends, before the Neutralize Results step, if you are in the attack arc, you may suffer 1 c damage to cancel 1 c result.
E . 2 Treacherous While you defend, you may choose a ship obstructing the attack and spend 1 g. If you do, cancel 1 d or c result, and the ship you chose gains 1 strain token. After a ship at range 0-3 is destroyed, recover 1 g.
T # 2 IG-RM Droids While you perform an attack, if you are calculating, you may change 1 d result to a c result.
t .# 3 uSlave I While you perform a { attack, if you are in the defender's {REARHALFARC}, you may change 1 d result to a c result. Add Y slot.
P 5 Adv. Proton Torpedoes Attack ( l): Spend 1 g. Change 1 d result to a c result.
P 4 Ion Torpedoes Attack ( l): Spend 1 g. If this attack hits, spend 1 d or c result to cause the defender to suffer 1 d damage. All remaining d/c results inflict ion tokens instead of damage.
P 7 Plasma Torpedoes Attack ( l): Spend 1 g. During the Neutralize Results step, c results are canceled before d results. After this attack hits, the defender loses 1 shield.
P 12 Proton Torpedoes Attack ( l): Spend 1 g. Change 1 d result to a c result.
U 5 Ion Cannon Turret Attack: If this attack hits, spend 1 d or c result to cause the defender to suffer 1 d damage. All remaining d/c results inflict ion tokens instead of damage.